Monday, September 2, 2013

Master Class

Today monday ....
My class will stat on 7.9.13
Saturday blues and Sunday Blues .. 
However class location not yet decide ...
I love my faculty so much .. Haaah ...
The first class will be teach by Prof Dr Shahren or Dr Philip ..
Dr is one of my best friend during degree coz I spent most of my time at Faculty Pusat Sumber ...
Hihihi ...
i always ask Dr Philip regarding my final year project ... 
Sometime we seat together n talk bout current issue

During my Master registration ... 
Kakak pusat sumber oledi transfer to cgs ...
She helps me lots during registration .. 

The next class will teach by Abg Izhar ..
He's one of my fav lecture with hilarious sense of humor .. 
Hahaha.. Apu ku ngerepak tok ...
Palak angol ...


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